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When creating new Contacts
If you have more information on contacts than the basic contact form allows for, you can add this contact via the Add advanced contact option.
When updating existing Contacts
If you have more information on existing contacts, click on the pencil (editing incon) for the contact and capture the information on the below tabs.
Add all personal information on the Personal tab
(Note: Name, Surname, Grade, Email and Mobile number are mandatory fields)
Group Selection for your contact can also be done from the Personal Tab
Add all contact information on the Contact tab
Note: Email and Mobile number are mandatory fields
Add the contact's current physical and postal address on the Address tab.
Select the Same as Physical checkbos if the address is the same.
Property Preferences
This information is used to match your contacts with your listings in the RE/MAX CRM Match Centre, including their property preferences for location and other features.
Note: The Property tab is a crucial part of adding contacts and using the RE/MAX CRM.
Add the contact's preferred attorney on the Attorney tab (include the Practice information)
The Notes tab is used to make any additional notes that will be saved under the contacts note section.
To Do
To Do tasks are added to your Dashboard widget ‘This week’s tasks’
The Enquiries tab displays website enquiries this contact has made.