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To Do tasks can be used to add any important tasks that need to be completed and keep track of tasks that you are currently busy with or completed. To Do tasks is a convenient system to manage all your tasks better with a fully customizable interface.


To Do tasks use Containers to group all your tasks.


  1. To Add a To Do task, navigate to CRM > Scheduling > To Do
  2. To add a To Do task container click on the Blue plus sign in the right bottom corner.
  3. A Title is mandatory, a Label is optional. Labels are ways for you to group your tasks and to identify/describe the To Do task container.
  4. Click on Save. 




Once your Task container is created you can add more tasks to the existing task container by selecting Add Task.

Add Task is where you can describe the task that you have completed or need to do. You can add a contact to the task to know who you are dealing with.

Set a date to complete the task and reminders of upcoming tasks. 



  • Add all information including due dates and reminder dates (emails will be sent for reminders)
  • You can add Tags to your To Do tasks. Tags are a convenient way to group and describe your To Do tasks
  • Click Save



The To do Task will then show under the To Do container it was created in.



To Do tasks containers can also be moved around by dragging them to desired position.



Tasks can also be moved around to different containers.




To Do tasks containers can be edited or deleted by clicking the 3 dots top right of the To do Task container.



The colour of the task container can be changed by clicking on the colour circle on the editing board and selecting a different colour.



Tasks can be edited and deleted by selecting the pencil or trash can top right of the tasks.