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The ‘Match Centre’ is where you Match the Contacts/Clients you have in the CRM system to a new listing or a new Contact/s or Client/s to your current Active Listings.


  1. Navigate to CRM and click on Match Centre
  2. Note: Listing, Contact and Groups will display with Sorry, no matching records found as we have filtered listings
  3. Filter your Listings using the dropdowns to select the Property/ties to send to the Matched Contact/s or Group/s
  4. Click  ‘Search’



The system will match your Contacts (whose property preferences were completed). The system will also match your Groups (where the price range was inserted).


  1. Select the property/ties you want to send 
  2. Select the Contact/s and or Group/s you want to email the Property Brochure to
  3. Scroll down and click on ‘Send Email Campaign’



  1. Type in the Subject. Note: The subject appears in the Subject line of your email campaign
  2. Select the appropriate Template. Note: The options of Templates to choose will update according to the number of listings you selected
  3. If applicable, schedule the date and time you want the email to be sent
  4. Click ‘Next’



  1. The ‘[Name,fallback=]’ pulls the contact name/s into the email from the Contact list as selected
  2. This is a default message which can be edited if need be
  3. Click ‘Next’



  • The Preview page allows you to check the info and if necessary, go back by clicking on the ‘Back’ button to make changes
  • Click ‘Send’



  1. The system alerts you that ‘Your marketing campaign has been sent.