- Office group revenue
- Office revenue
- Team revenue
- Agent revenue
- Average deal leadtime
- Deal pipeline
- Deal detail
- Deal audit
- Originator
- Attorney
Agent Deal Targets
Your first step as a Broker is to add annual targets for each of your Agents.
- Navigate to Deals > Agent Deal Targets
- Select the Agent name, type in the number of deals and revenue amount for the year
- Click Save
Follow these steps for each of your Agents.
Navigate to Deals > Deal Reports
Office Group Revenue
The report displays accumulated data for all the offices in your group – for the Deal Status selected.
Generate this report if you are associated with a group of offices.
- Select the year and the status of the deals – you can select more than one status
- Click Get Report
The navigation I’m about to show you for this report applies to most reports as the data is displayed in the same format.
The graph displays the actual amount vs the target amount. The actual amount is the green bar and the target amount is the purple bar.
When you hover over the bar with your mouse, the Deal Count, Deal Count Target and the Commission amounts display.
When you click on the bar, you drill down to the Office Revenue report which displays data for all offices.
In the Office Revenue report, when you click on the bar for a specific office, you drill down to the Agent Revenue report which displays data for all Agents.
To return to the Office Group Revenue report, simply click on the grey arrow on the top left of the graph. Clicking once takes you back to the Office Revenue report, click once more and you’re back at the Office Group Revenue report.
Below the graph displays a breakdown of figures.
Clicking the Menu icon to the right of the graph, displays file options for downloading the data.
Office Revenue
The Office Revenue report displays data for each office in your group – for the Deal Status selected.
If you are not associated with a group, the report will display your office revenue
- Select the year and the status of the deal – once again you can select more than one status
- Click Get Report
The graph displays the actual amount vs the target amount per office.
When you click on the bar, you drill down to the Agent Revenue report.
Clicking on the grey arrow to return to the Office Revenue report.
Below the graph displays a breakdown of figures per office.
Team Revenue
The Team Revenue report displays data for each Team in your office or group - for the Deal Status selected.
Generate this report if you have Teams in your office or group.
- Select the year and the status of the deals
- Click Get Report
Below the graph displays a breakdown of figures per Team.
Agent Revenue
The Agent Revenue report displays data for each Agent in your office or group - for the Deal Status selected.
- Select the year and the status of the deals
- Click Get Report
Clicking on the grey arrow to return to the Office Revenue report.
Below the graph displays a breakdown of figures per Agent.
Average Deal Leadtime
The Average Deal Leadtime report displays the average number of days Deals have taken to transition through statuses – per province.
Hovering over the different colour bars displays the number of days.
The figures below the graph display the total number of days taken for deals to be registered – in each province.
To generate reports with status history, we created a new section on the Deal page named Deal Status History. Each time the status of a deal is updated, a date must be entered.
Deal Pipeline report
The Deal Pipeline report displays your expected monthly commission.
- Select all your Teams or a Team
- Select all Agents or an Agent
- Select all Originators or a specific Originator
- Select all Attorneys or a specific Attorney
- Select the year, status and click Get Report
The breakdown below the graph displays the deals in the pipeline. Clicking on an address opens a Deal Audit report for the deal.
To include Mortgage Originator data in the reports, we have updated the Mortgage Originator section, on the Deal page, to be a mandatory section to be completed.
- Select the Mortgage Originate
- Select the Mortgage grantor
- Select who the deposit is held by
Deal Detail report
The Deal Detail report displays your total commission per Deal Status.
- Select all your Teams or a Team
- Select all Agents or an Agent
- Select a price range
- Select a from and to date
- Select the status and click Get Report
The breakdown below the graph displays the Total Selling Price per status. As previously shown, clicking on the address opens a Deal Audit report for the deal.
Deal Audit report
The Deal Audit report displays a timeline with Deal Statuses and the respective dates.
- Select the Agent and the address
- Click Get Report
Above the line displays the actual dates and below the lines displays the expected dates.
The breakdown below the graph displays the deal data.
Originator report
The Originator report displays the Bond Value per Originator and grantor, as well as the cash and direct amounts.
- Select filters and click Get Report
Hovering over the bars displays the Deal Count, Selling Price and bond amount – except for Cash and Direct.
The breakdown below the graph displays the deal data.
Attorney report
The Attorney report displays the Deal Count and Total Selling Price per Attorney.
- Select filters and click Get Report
Hovering over the bars displays the Deal Count, Total Selling Price and the Bond Value.
The breakdown below the graph displays the deal data.